Not exactly sure what a gaming macro actually is? How they work? What makes them different to cheats? Are they illegal to use? About all this and more, you can read in this blog post!

Let’s start with the simple definition of what a macro (short version for “macroinstruction”) actually is: A gaming macro is a code or multiple code lines which force your mouse or keyboard to follow a specifc key or movement order in a specific time. By the way, “gaming scripts” is just another word for “gaming macros”, they have the same meaning. With a gaming macro you can, for example, force your keyboard to hit specific hotkeys in a set amount of time without you needing to push any buttons yourself. That also works for your mouse. A gaming macro can move your mouse in a specifc way, in a specific time and even press specific buttons. Such scripts are created by gaming macro developers.

A gaming macro can move your mouse in a specifc way, in a specific time and even press specific buttons


Needless to say that such scripts can be used for a lot of useful things when playing video games. Gaming macros can give you a huge advantage in most of the games, if coded and used correctly.

You want an example? Sure! In a game like CS GO the game developers decided that every weapon in the game follows a specific “recoil pattern” when you shoot a gun. This means you hit the left mouse button and the game/weapon will move your mouse in a specific way simulating the weapons recoil (moving your mouse in-game, not on your mousepad obviously ;-)). In CS GO this recoil pattern is different for each weapon, but always remains the same on each gun. A “normal” user will now try to move his mouse on his mousepad to compensate the guns recoil (pattern) to make the gun shoot accurately where the user is aiming. Without a lot of training and good muscle memory this is hard to do. That’s why people use macros to do this job. A user can fail at compensating, a macro won’t. A macro coded to exactly compensate a specific guns recoil pattern will always do a better job, than the user trying to compensate the recoil themselves.

This example can be transfered over to basically any game and situation. Just think of you playing an MMO and you want to keep a specific spell-attack-order with multiple different spells and casting times. Always hitting the right timing and maximizing your damage can be a hard thing but with a macro it isn’t. The macro can keep up a spell and timing order endlessly without failing. A macro can help you in a lot of games, but the biggest advantage they usually offer in First Person Shooters.

Sounds like cheating? Well, that’s a “yes” and “no” at the same time. Cheats (like aimbots, ESP, wallhacks, speedhack etc.) do inject code or hack the game in order to work. Macros don’t need to touch the game or its files at any time. They simply send a code string to your mouse or keyboard and that’s it. When done right, then todays Anti Cheats can’t distinguish between a users mouse or keyboard action or a macros mouse and keyboard action. We see macros as a “help” to make specific game mechanics easier. Do you consider this as cheating? Up to you. But there is still a big difference in using macros/scripts or actually hacking in a game with a aimbot or wallhack. It’s a fact that using cheats/hacks usually gets you banned within a few days or weeks, depending on the game and its Anti Cheat. Macros on the other hand usually “live” a lot longer, sometimes even forever.

With MACROKINGZ gaming macros we provide you the best gaming macros for games with the best Anti Cheating tools. We code our macros to get you the biggest advantage in-game while being fully undetected on the games Anti Cheat. We have 0 banned customers and a 0-detection rate since our very first release. If you are looking to gain a great advantage over your enemies but staying safe, then you should consider buying MACROKINGZ gaming macros 😈


Author: MKZ_B52 (MKZ Admin)